More traditional watercolour landscapes

More traditional watercolour landscapes

Two more paintings done recently in watercolours. I am enjoying the traditional media, especially the interaction of the brushes with water, paint and paper. It’s both challenging and fun, and I am hoping to improve my technique as I create more pieces.

The mountain road was a bit of a disappointment for me, especially with regard to the sky. I also got the colour for the road wrong – it was to be much grayer and lighter than that. However, I finished the piece regardless and got a few tips and suggestions from reddit art subs r/painting and r/watercolor. Traditional media leaves little room for correction of mistakes, which is a good thing, because you learn quite a bit from them. The second one (yellow field) I am happier with, but again I am not totally happy with the sky as there is uneven spread of paint across the page. I really must tape down the paper before painting I think, because even the 300 gsm paper bends a bit when painting wet on wet and that renders water flow uneven.

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